Autodoprava, zemní a jeřábnické práce

Kateřina Kuželová

Nákladní autodoprava

Autodoprava Řevničov

  • dovoz sypkých materiálů, recyklátů, písků nebo hutních materiálů
  • dovoz a uložení sutě a zeminy, dovoz drceného kameniva a jiných materiálů

Autodoprava Řevničov

Jeřábnické práce

Jeřáb Řevničov

  • nakládání a vykládání břemene do maximální hmotnosti 20.000 kg
  • montáže a demontáže konstrukčních celků

Jeřáb Řevničov

Zemní práce

Bagr Řevničov

  • výkopy základů a rýh, skrývka ornice a jiné
  • bourací práce a úpravy terénu, bagrování, zemní práce

Zemní práce Řevničov

Jímky s atestem

  • Dodáváme jímky s atestem včetně kompletní práce: výkopové práce, dovoz jímky, usazení jímky, konečné úpravy.

Jímky s atestem

Does One Own a Sense of Alarm? A March For Science Is conducive To a Town

What do you consider when you listen to the words"March to Science? Portland, Oregon.

You may possibly think that this is only referring to mathematics from Portland. It is not just that either. The March for Science can be just a non partisan action that has been started by two self-professedscience, informative post science fiction and nature fans.

They commenced the group since they believed that they had to share with the world something concerning how and why science can be abused by those who'd have us consider they know nature a lot better than people that have researched it can even can change the course of nature by designing a new test tube or a microscope. As far as I'm anxious, '' I state march for science!

Science and nature lovers should always be in the front lines in fighting against ignorance and blatant disregard for scientific breakthroughs. While the media would love to pander to a false sense of superiority, they seem more than happy to celebrate those scientists who could be misusing science in the name of their own selfish desires. With their ego stroking constant reassurance, the authorities would like to forget what has been done with regard to scientific testing. But, today's situation is not the same as it was before.

We are on the brink of a second revolution: the creation of energy from the sun, the lightness of hand wind and the motion of water through the tunnel we call a river. Science had been trying to come up with this for over a century, yet, the powers that be have never been able to find a way to harness the power of the sun and the tides. Only recently have they finally done something about it and the new device being considered would require thousands upon thousands of wind turbines and giant solar panels.

With millions of people desire to be among the first to use this device, they would probably be making more money and perhaps gain recognition as heroes. Are they really going to let that happen? Of course not! They will try to put the spotlight on the discovery of this marvel and wish to build monuments all over the world to celebrate and remember their presence in history.

By what coincidence, did they even try to come up with the one or even the bullet that would catch the sunshine's rays, nevertheless they weren't equipped to do so? Exactly what a pity this accomplishment wasn't realized early in the day.

When you start looking at the recent decisions made by the government, it seems as if those who lead the country had the best of intentions, but their head had already been turned by the forces of greed and corruption that seemed to rule the world of business. Then along came the future president, George W. Bush, and he thought it was time to clean house.

He made it everyone may breathe simpler by proclaiming war companies that had been cheating the authorities. That was the right thing to do enforcement. He faces the anger of men and women for example his or her wife along with me personally today.

It seems as if all of the money that was coming into the United States for the past twenty years was taken away for a simple reason: to give it to the banks. Of course, what is the point of keeping the American economy afloat if people are taking that money out of it?

You may ask yourself, "What is the problem with this?" When you think about it, no one was paying attention when so many people in business were robbing people blind. If you are asking what the problem is, then ask yourselves, how much longer can the government allow a situation like this to occur and continue to pay people who are guilty of embezzling government funds?

This same question should also be asked of the leaders of Portland, Oregon. Indeed, what is the reason for this controversy when the Portland Police Chief has the audacity to arrest the man in charge of the March for Science? Will the government listen to their words or will they continue their cronyism and abuse of power?

Adresa a kontakty

Nová Draha 508
270 54 Řevničov

Telefon / fax: (+420) 313 564 090   
Kateřina Kuželová - mobil: (+420) 605 125 553
Aleš Kužel - mobil: (+420) 603 375 838


ICQ: 334-828-953
Skype: kuzelova.katerina

IČ: 70124779 | DIČ: CZ8051211190
